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my name is May. 16 years old. 08/05/1995. Queens' School Sports&Science sec.
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The skin does not belong to me! however, this is my MY BLOG, please no rude comments, spamming, ripping. if you don't like my blog then sorry, please press the [x] button on the top right hand corner of the screen ~
Had First Day At College Today Monday 5 September 2011 15:23 | 0 notes
Well I got my GCSE results on 25th August 2011, and seriously I did rubbish in my exams, I'm not even going to post what I got as they were absoluetly shit! I could have done so much better and I hate myself for not trying harder especially for my Religious Studies exam I was 1 or 2 marks off a B grade which pisses me off now that I have a C grade for RS -_-" ~

and well basically I thought I couldn't get accepted into my school's sixth form since they needed 5A*'s-B's and I thought I only had 4A*'s-B's so I gutted and had to apply for my college sixth form where I could do my a-levels there since they needed 6A*'s-C's which obviously I had achieved that. But apparently my D grade for btec p.e meant a distinction which makes out another A grade so techniqually I do have 5A*'s-B's but the problem was by the time I found out I already enrolled into the college and at the same time the head of sixth form of this other school which I emailed them asking them if they have space emailed me back telling me that I have a space for me to do my AS level subjects but by the time I got the email, again I had already enrolled into college, so I was annoyed by that, since I wanted to stay in sixth form as all my friends were there and I knew the teachers better and everything but now I had to go to this sixth form college at oaklands in st albans and I knew no one from my school there, though there were some graduaters from my school two years ago, but no one in my year is doing a level's at oaklands college this year... o.O which means I'm a loner here now.

that's the story of how and why I enrolled to oaklands, and I had my induction day today. for me it's hard to meet new people as I am really shy when it means to get talking to other people... but when I get to know someone I can be the loudest person on earth, weird right? I got to meet some new people I guess, there were these two girls, they were really nice and friendly but they're both doing all sciences which are from a different campus to which I am from as I am doing AS level english language, mathematics, economics and accounts... lets just hope I can cope with all the work. >.<
I'm sure I will probably meet new people who's on my campus and is in my classes and stuff but still I don't even know where to go on Thursday when I get my timetable, guess I would have to email them. but seriously they should at least tell us right? or maybe they did and I was probably staring out the window or something.
I guess I could always travel on the campus bus to see the friends I made today though. I'm so nervous about my two years here, I just hope I get good results in august and meet more people.

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Dream High K Necklace is here ~ Saturday 16 July 2011 06:25 | 0 notes
I seriously have loved watching Dream High, the korean drama, it was daebak! and once I saw the drama, I instantly fell in love with the 'K necklace' in which was passed from one character to another to give that person confidence, it was so unique and pretty I just loved it, however i couldn't find it anywhere, :( and even if it was available it was very expensive as that was the original, being not able to afford something that expensive as my parents would refuse to buy it even if I had the money as they will say 'It's a waste of money' *sighs* i finally found a replica of the necklace when I was looking through the same website as the 49 days teardrop necklace i purchased and dun dun dunnnn! i found it ^^ i was so happy, so i begged my parents to buy it for me, which they did :') my parents are pretty amazing aren't they... well at times

the pictures aren't very good quality :'( need a better camera seriously, but what do we expect from a non dslr camera hahaha! anyways back to the necklace, I'm not sure what size this is, as it only comes in one size at tofebruary, but it's pretty big so I would maybe say medium-large ^o^ it's quite heavy so that's a good thing, but it's not too heavy that would hurt your neck when your wearing it.
the only concern I have with this is the K bit, seems to have a lot of pattern on it :S or maybe it's meant to be like that I don't know, but it looks pretty anyways, and as a Replica for $25 what can I say, it's not like I can complain as it's not the original ^^


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49 days teardrop necklace Wednesday 6 July 2011 05:42 | 0 notes
As much as i loved the korean drama 49 days, I was never really interested into getting the 'teardrop' necklace that was used in the drama, only because of the price was so expensive, so when replica versions of this necklace was starting to be released out, i started to take notice of the necklace. I first saw it on several blogs that was selling this, but i never really trusted blog sellers for some reason? but that's just my own preference, and i know some blog or most are trustworthy ^w^. so i started to search on google for the necklace and came across a video by 'ToFebruary' and realised they sold the no tears version of the necklace on their website;
heres a the website the to the youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-xPzlUv1Jg
link to the necklace: http://www.tofebruary.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=8&products_id=713

they also sell the one tear version now, but that wasn't on the website when i purchased mine ^^

here's some pictures of the necklace i recieved this morning :3

the necklace came inside this little silver box, with a silver string/rope thing tied in a bow, but i took that off and threw it in the bin

A picture of the necklace, eeeeeeek, it's so pretty! i'm in love with it already


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update on my life so far ~ Friday 1 July 2011 10:07 | 0 notes
wow, i haven't written an update on my life for a long time, so i think i'm going to, just incase i forget later on, and i was inspired after reading my everyday life diary journals, which i found myself no longer writing ~_~, but yay! i'm going to start writing again either on my blog or on a classical diary notebook for my private matters that i don't want to be public ◕‿◕

School life: Finished all my GCSE exam's last week, now i am DREADING results day which has been decided for year 11 2011's students that it will be on August 25th, i think this day is the day i jump off a bridge OR the day i run away to another country before my family finds me and hunts me down, i know it might seem ages away till i get my results but seriously i don't think it's long at all, it will be here in a blink of an eye, and i am SOOOOO scared it's unreal, never been this scared for my entire life, if i don't get 5 b's at least i won't be able to stay into sixth form in my current school, i mean seriously! what kinds of school needs 5 b's to stay on? okay, maybe some do across the uk, but still a lot of school i know requires 5 c's it's like wtf? Queens' definately has too much of an expectation from their students, i hope they will realise one day that they should STOP being this ridiculous... fair enough with the uniform, you want them to look smart but omg, the price of the new skirt aka the kilt, is something between £25-35! we are NOT posh people, and i can guarantee you, that not everyone can afford a skirt that expensive! maybe they should wake up to know that not everyone has a good job and is well paid, oh and majority of the students are from bushey and watford, as it's located in that area, we're not a private school so lower down the price, it's ridiculous and it's ugly, that's another reason why people would be hesitant to purchase it! thank god i don't have to wear it though! and the 5 b's, Queens' your standards are too high, lower it back to 5 c's unless you want us students to commit suicide if we don't pass -.-

Prom: my prom is on monday 4th july, and being honest, i am looking forward to it but i'm not as well at the same time, :/ just i can't be bothered to go i guess, and i know everyone is going to be so happy and stuff, i will be too! but i don't see the whole big fuss? i'm meant to be excited right? well i hope it turns out good then that day ^w^ i will post some pictures up if i take any ~

Relationships: well, not going to say anything on this one keke ~

Friendships: i guess friendships are good, nothing really big happening for the mean time, i think i would miss my friends when we all leave, actually we have all left right now >w< ~ but you know what i mean when we have started our new lives, elsewhere and especially if i don't get into sixth form i am 1) screwed with my parents killing me and if i survive 2) i would go to college? maybe? so i would miss my friends, being honest i don't want to go to college, college is no way as good as sixth form, but no can do if i can't get in can we *sigh* why can't i be the clever students for once, this sucks! oh and i have my college interview on the 13th july, i have no idea what to do in a college interview o.O" i'm scared i won't pass the interview? if we do pass or not pass, i have no idea, i only got an email about it yesterday >w<" lets hope i do good then! aigoo, i wish i applied to more sixth forms instead of colleges, :'( but no can do, unless i wait next year which really is not what i want to do, T_T HWAITING! ~

may xxx

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exam stress Sunday 12 June 2011 16:12 | 0 notes
i haven't written a blogpost in like ages, so i thought i might write one...
i have been so busy with my GCSE exams, and i have two more exams left (stupid history exams -_-) why do exams have to be super duper hard T_T, i hate this! and the fact that i did rubbish in my previous other exams too, especially my graphics exam, which i failed so bad, and no matter what people say that i have probably done really well or something, i know for a fact that i failed it badly! I'm the one that took the exam, so i know for myself how well i have done, and if i done well i would know it and admit i done pretty well, but i missed out quite a lot of questions and i probably got some of the questions wrong anyways! and my design wasn't exactly the best design and i ran out of time to colour in my design however i did do like sort of symbol keys of what colours the final design will be like... but still i would loose so many marks on that!
I am not hoping that i will be able to do product design in sixth form anymore, because that just flew out of the window, I'm not expecting A* like i did in my mock exam *sighs* why did maths and graphics have to be on the same day, i spent so much revising for maths and i hardly revised for graphics, this is why i protest having two exams on the same day, it's just not fair!!! I'm probably predicting i got a D or an E overall! yes that is bad compared to my A* mock result T_T should've been sick after my maths exam instead >.<....
In times like this, we all wish for a time machine so i can go back to may 16th and retake my first english exam, and all my exams! i probably won't even be able to get into sixth form as i feel i did so shit in all my exams >.<

maymay xxx
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Pray for japan T__T""" Friday 11 March 2011 08:35 | 0 notes
as you all know the japan earthquake and tsunami that took place in japan on march 11th in the afternoon, when i was in school i was devastating to hear this as it's heartbreaking to know this would happen to these poor citizens, and seeing the clips during form time on BBC news and when i came back home straight after school and watching the news, it just brought me to tears seeing all those footages of japan being destroyed ~

may god bless you all, including the countries that got hit by the tsunami, and i'm praying for the tsunami to be lifted, and to be over so no more countries will be attacked

let's recycle and save global warming to not let this disastrous things happen again


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Haul from facial-shop.com ^^ ~ Thursday 10 March 2011 14:43 | 0 notes
i went shopping at www.facial-shop.com a couple of weeks ago and purchased some stuff as i really wanted to try out some beauty cosmetics and skincare items, and see if koreans really do have perfect skin because of their skincare products ? i also bought some bb creams in which one was actually not purchased on the website but in a store located in london ^^ ~ and would be posting up a review on those soon ~
i got 3 items (will order more when i have more money tehe)

1) Laneige Multi Cleanser

i really like this cleanser, it cleanses my skin brilliantly, but everyone raves about it for removing their makeup ? well that didn't really work for me, as when i used further toner after washing my face after school i could see the makeup still on there, and it also gets into my eyes when i'm trying to scrub off the mascara off my eyes.. which didn't quite work, but it did a pretty decent job, so for me i will probably use this as my morning cleanser and stick with my neutrogena makeup cleanser to remove my makeup at the end of the day, however it does leave your skin squeaky clean which i like, and has definately helped heal my skin alot, THANK YOU LANEIGE! ♥

rate: 4.5/5

2) Laneige pore minimizing pack

this product smells soo good! and i am terrible at describing smells but it smells fresh but fruity like citrus ? i don't know it's hard to describe.. well for me that is, but it's a nice decent smell ^_^ ~ and so this is like a mask, and helps minimize your pore, and OMG! THIS IS LIKE HEAVEN! it works sooo good and actually something that helps minimize my pores, unlike other products i have tried that claimed they would but never does, i use this once a week, and i have been using for around 2 weeks now and i can see a huge difference paired with the laneige multi cleanser, my skin has never looked this good before

i also purchased two bb creams from skin79, the super+ triple function bb cream (hot pink) and the oriental gold bb cream, i will do a review on the two seperately once i have tried it out for longer for about a month to see if it works ~

i am also planning to get other laneige stuff to try out and other skincare items as well as different bb creams, such as like missha perfect cover, and i am also really interested in trying lioele (well lets dream on until we save up for some money or when i go back to hong kong ehh ¬_¬) i will also see if china town stocks my beauty diary face masks and the laneige snow crystal dual foundation which i have been dying to try out! i will be next going to china town in easter, THATS SOO EFFING LONG >_<""""

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